Talks and presentations

  • AIChE Annual Meeting, 2020 (Virtual)
    Optimal Packing of CO at High Coverage on Pt(100) and Pt(111) Surfaces
    V. Sumaria, L. Nguyen, F. F.Tao, and P. Sautet
    [Link] [Presentation]

  • 232nd Electrochemical Society Meeting, 2017
    Self-Formed Catalysts Using Electrochemical (de)Lithiation for Oxygen Evolution Reaction
    V. Sumaria, D. Krishnamurthy and V. Viswanathan
    [Link] [Presentation]

  • Suncat Summer Institute, 2017
    How to choose the right descriptor for electrochemical reactions? (Poster Presentation)
    V. Sumaria, D. Krishnamurthy and V. Viswanathan
    [Suncat Link] [Poster] [Certificate]

  • Quantum Revolutions, Pittsburgh Quantum Institute, 2017
    Quantification of Uncertainty in Activity Relationships for Oxygen Evolution Reaction.
    V. Sumaria and V. Viswanathan
    [PQI Link] [Poster]

  • 25th North American Catalysis Society Meeting, 2017
    A framework for Identifying Optimal Descriptors and Quantifying Uncertainty DFT-predicted Electrocatalytic Activity.
    S. Deshpande, D. Krishnamurthy, V. Sumaria, V. Viswanathan

  • 10th Annual Session of Student's Chemical Engineering Congress (SCHEMCON), 2014
    Comparison between template assisted and OSDA-free synthesis of ZSM-12 and Zeolite Beta.
    V. Sumaria, G. Gopalakrishnan